Dr. Yue Qian's primary goals in teaching are:
Dr. Yue Qian works closely with graduate students. In particular, she encourages students to write early and often, and motivates students to become knowledge producers. See below for a list of Dr. Qian's peer-reviewed publications with student co-authors.
- To engage students in critical thinking;
- To inspire students to communicate clearly;
- To stimulate students to think globally;
- To promote equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Dr. Yue Qian works closely with graduate students. In particular, she encourages students to write early and often, and motivates students to become knowledge producers. See below for a list of Dr. Qian's peer-reviewed publications with student co-authors.
- Child Marriage in Mainland China
- Digital Ethnic Enclaves: Mate Preferences and Platform Choices Among Chinese Immigrant Online Daters in Vancouver
- Gender, Parenthood, and Employment During COVID-19: An Immigrant-Native Born Comparison in Canada
- Gendered Age Preferences for Potential Partners: A Mixed-Methods Study Among Online Daters in Shanghai
- How did COVID-19 Containment Policies Influence Depressive Symptoms? Longitudinal Evidence from China
- Mate Selection among Online Daters in Shanghai: Why Does Education Matter?
- Separating Spheres: Cohort Differences in Gender Attitudes about Work and Family in China
- The Gendered Pandemic: The Implications of COVID-19 for Work and Family
Dr. Yue Qian has written self-help articles in Chinese to share her academic experiences
- 一位“坚持走科研道路”女学者的自白 (how I defied expectations to become a feminist professor; English translation)
- 经历抑郁、暴食、狂躁症后,我是如何做一个快乐的博士的?(how to get through your PhD without going insane?)
- 道阻且长,行则将至:我们的社科博士路 (Part A & B) (the long and winding road towards a PhD in social sciences)
- 在加拿大当助理教授的第一年:如何管理时间、情绪和研究进度?(how to manage your time, emotion, and research progress as pre-tenure faculty members?; English translation)
- 如何克服academic guilt? (how to overcome academic guilt?)
- 工作的意义是什么?(The search for meaning at work)
- 如何在学术界保持心理健康?(how to maintain good mental health in academia?; English translation)
- 干货:如何成为高效阅读的“文献活字典”?(how to read scholarly literature efficiently?; English translation)
- 如何高效、快乐地写博士论文 ?(how to write a dissertation efficiently and happily?; English translation)
- “写写写”的心得分享:将每天写作变成生活习惯 (how to be a productive writer; English translation)
- 改论文改到嗨是一种什么样的体验 (how to edit and revise papers; English translation)
- 写论文好痛苦,一直拖延怎么办?(Writing is painful: How to beat procrastination in writing)
- 找靠谱的合作者比找对象还难:How to collaborate? (English translation)
- 我从我的合作者身上学到的美好品质 (what I have learnt from my collaborators; English translation)
- 和教授共事,哪些雷区不要踩?(do's and don'ts of working with professors; English translation)
- 这些学术简历大忌,你中了吗?(Things NOT to do on your CV; English translation)
- 为什么我鼓励大家做public sociology? (Why is public sociology a good idea?)
Teaching/Learning Resources
Writing & Publishing
Professional Development
Job Market
- Academic Publishing
- Publishing in the Top Three Journals
- How to write good research questions
- How to write a manuscript
- Revising Drafts
- Suggested Outline for Writing an Academic Article
- Setting the Hook
- Writing topic sentences and crafting paragraphs
- The Introduction Formula
- Literature reviews
- How to respond to a "revise and resubmit" decision from a journal
- How Academics Survive the Writing Grind: Some Anecdotal Advice
- Op-ed Writing: Tips and Tricks
- A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology
- Staying Afloat: Some Scattered Suggestions on Reading in College
- Beyond the Abstract: Reading for Meaning in Academia
- How to keep up with the scientific literature
- Suggestions on qualitative research methods' articles and books for graduate students
- Books for PhDs
Professional Development
- grad school’s hidden curriculum
- Over the Hoops and Through the Hurdles: Surviving the Graduate Program in Sociology at the University of Wisconsin
- Academic presentations
- How to create a research poster
- Seven Tips for Creating Powerful Oral Presentations
- Conference Talks
- Navigating the Job Market: Real Advice (and Tough Love) from a Job Market Survivor
- My Advice for PhD Students on the (altac) Job Market
Job Market
- Getting a Post-Doc
- Introduction to the Job Market and Applying for a Job
- A Calendar Guide for the Academic Job Market
- Navigating the Job Market: Real Advice (and Tough Love) from a Job Market Survivor
- My Advice for PhD Students on the (altac) Job Market
- Academic Job Market Hacks
- The Academic Job Market in Canada
- 如何在美国政治学就业市场上求职